Author: truongan
Automated deploying using git.
Will write later, here is just the note:
Using git over http with git-http-backend
This could be the third time I wrote a post like this. Editing apache configuration is ever so tricky to me that something would definitely go wrong somehow. After I successfully smoothed thing out, I would write a post and then sometime later, my blog went down and here I am again. So to make…
Install gimp in elementary os 0.3 cause dock (plank) to fail recognize launched app
Well this is strange and it drives me close to remove elementary os all together. Last night I issue apt install gimp then go to sleep. The next day I woke up, everytime I launched an application from the dock (its name is plank) or from terminal, it won’t show up on dock but is…
My conky settings
I figure it’s time to share my conky settings on blog as a backup mechanism in the event of my laptop becoming more and more unreliable as time goes by.
Elementary OS 0.3 freya with dropbox and ibus.
My first impression with freya beta 2 was not so good. I found no way to make dropbox display its systray icon and so does ibus. But this time, with a lot of people trying out freya, I was able to google some work around. dropbox First of all, dropbox should be start with this…
Alias Arial to another font.
Well, I have written about this before: But the file 30-metric-aliases.conf is system configuration and could be overwrite when we upgrade fontconfig. It turned out there is another much easier way to do this. The /etc/fonts/local.conf is meant to contain user settings, and Arial can be replaced with match edit. My whole local.conf file…
Try out KDE5 on archlinux
So, my btrfs partition has just corrupted some how and I have to do a reinstall. Bye bye my four years old arch, so I thought it was a good chance to try something new. The first impression is not good. My Broadcom ethernet, which was doing OK previously is now trouble some and require…
Wireless mouse and xf86-input-mouse
Well, my archlinux keep freezing when I plug in wireless mouse. Completely freeze, no log to review. This problem just ended when I remove xf86-input-mouse
Problem with my HP LaserJet 1020
As per stated in the archlinux wiki: Some HP printers (e.g HP LaserJet) require their firmware to be downloaded from the computer every time the printer is switched on. If there is an issue with udev (or equivalent) and the firmware download rule is never fired, you may experience this issue. As a workaround, you…